Monday, October 4, 2010

Link Ups and Updates

So, I was apparently wrong about my new blog design.  In yesterday’s post announcing my new design I stated that it didn’t quite look like I thought it would.  I also don’t have a widescreen monitor on my desktop computer, so when I looked at it on the laptop, it did look like it was supposed to!   :)   That made me very happy, because I really liked how the whole background looked, and was a little disappointed when I wasn’t seeing it on the other monitor.  So, if you have a widescreen monitor, you will see the appropriate/full background design, otherwise you might only see a portion of it, which does not do it justice.

I linked up my Artfire shop and my blog today to this blog party/blog hop/whatever you want to call it (I get confused about what to call these types of things):

Sumo Sweet Stuff

If you haven’t seen Sumo’s Sweet Stuff’s blog, check it out now.  It’s really cute, and she does a lot of cool, creative stuff.

I did get in contact with my doctor’s office today, and I got started on some antibiotics, so hopefully it helps and gets rid of this issue quickly.  I have never gone through this before, and really hope I never have to again!  And the last update is that this crappy rainy weather here needs to go – my knees have been sooo stiff and achy since the beginning of last week, and it’s really getting to be bad.  I know we needed the rain, but I think we got enough last week…now we have another 3 days of rain in store!

Hope all of you have nicer weather wherever you may be!

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