Monday, May 17, 2010

New Craft Item

I’m actually posting twice today! The Chinese food post was supposed to get put on here yesterday, but I was having photo problems, so you get two today. Something might be wrong with the orientation sensor in the camera. :( My very computer savvy hubby saved the day yet again by figuring out how to correct the camera’s issue in the computer, so I have some sort of fix now for any future problems (yay, thank you!).

Anyway, back to this post – I finally made a new catnip cat mat! I’ve had the material for a while, but just no motivation to make it. I have a very old sewing machine, handed down from my parents, and it gets the simple jobs done, but sometimes it’s a real pain to deal with. The yard sale this past weekend was finally my motivation to get it done, since I was setting up with some of my handmade items. Unfortunately, I didn’t sell it at the yard sale, but that means it’s still available!

pink cat mat 2

It measures approximately 34.5 inches long by 21.5 inches wide and is made from cotton fabric, and to attract the kitties, 100% certified organic catnip. If you’re reading this, and interested in this item for one of your own feline family members or a friend’s feline family member that you think deserves some spoiling, check it out on my craft selling site:

There’s only a few other items on there at the moment, but check back often because I have a few new things to work on and add in the, hopefully, near future!

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