Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms or soon-to-be moms reading this! I hope you all feel appreciated and loved always, but especially today. Enjoy the day and time with your family!

My mom and I always clashed a lot when I was younger and still lived with my parents. To this day, we still have our arguments, but our relationship is so much better now that I live on my own. Whether she knows it or not, I do appreciate her, probably a lot more now that I am not with her 24/7. Certain things she does still drives me nuts at times, but she is also very giving, caring and understanding. We're not a very sappy, "lovey" family, so it hardly ever gets said out loud, but I love my mom very much, and I hope she knows just how much, and how she is appreciated in my life.
And if it weren't for these mothers, my mom wouldn't be my mom (aka my grandmothers!):

My mom's mother - Grandmom Boyer

My dad's mother - Grandmom Weaver

So again, Happy Mother's Day! :)

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