Friday, July 16, 2010

Favorite Kitty Pic Friday!

It’s Friday again! Hope you all had a great week and have a fun weekend planned! Welcome to my weekly Friday post. I started this post just to share my love of cats, my own kitties adorable and funny photos, or even just some others that I find amusing. I then decided to open it up with a linky, and try to get others to share as well! This is not strictly a means of getting more followers for me or those who link up (but if that happens, great!) – just a way for us all to share. So if you’d like to join in, here’s what you do:
If you have a blog of your own, grab the button above, put it in your own post, then pick one photo of your own kitty, a friend or family member’s kitty, or even one from the web that you just love. Photography skills do not matter – just a favorite picture. Put the photo in your post along with a little explanation about the photo, a story about the kitty, or just a fun cat fact. Then link up here with the linky below! Share with your friends and invite them to join as well. If you don’t have a blog of your own, but would still like to participate, you can leave a comment below with a link to your picture if it’s somewhere on the internet. I do this every Friday, so get those photos ready! :)
IMG_2057 Hi eberyone! Jaspy heer! Momma waz too bizzy to do much ov anyting today, so I tuk ober! Pleez to meet you all! I still wurking on my engrish, but I’z tink I’z getting it purty gud after studying on Cheezburger. Looking forward to meeting all ov yur favorit kittehs – pleez share!

New Friend Fridays

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